Rabbi Jackson Mercer

Base Rabbi

Pronouns: he/his Boston, MA

Jackson is the Base Rabbi for Boston. Collaboration and creativity are at the core of his desire to cultivate meaningful Jewish experiences. Through his work, Jackson built singing prayer communities across the country in California (Congregation Rodef Sholom, URJ Camp Newman, Hillel at UCLA, University Synagogue, and NFTY) and New York (Kehilat Romemu) as well as here in Boston (Asiyah Jewish Community, Temple Beth Sholom of Framingham, and Mishkan Tefilah). He also founded and built a Judaica brand, Hiddur Mitzvah, with his partner and fellow artist Rachel Jackson and sings with R’ Josh Warshawsky in the Chaverai Nevarech Band.

Jackson was ordained by the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College in Newton, MA with a Specialization in Spirituality and Social Justice and a Masters in Jewish Education with a concentration in Israel Education in conjunction with the iCenter. Jackson was apart of the inaugural cohort of The Nachshon Project’s undergraduate fellowship as well as the first cohort of Graduate School Fellows.

Cultivated by summers split between Guam and Texas visiting family, Jackson holds by the power and importance of the 3 B’s: Baseball, bourbon, and barbecue.