Like so many others, we were shocked and saddened to hear about the vicious attacks committed by Hamas in Israel on October 7th. As soon as we heard the news, we immediately began the process of checking in with our Moishe House team members and community builders in Israel. Once we knew enough about their situation on the ground, we sent the following email to the larger Moishe House network within the first 24 hours, as we were all just beginning to uncover the atrocities that had occurred. As we move forward, we continue to send updates from Israel and beyond.  

We unequivocally condemn the actions Hamas took on October 7th and remain committed to the safe return of the 240+ hostages. We will continue to support our young adult community in Israel and around the globe, ensuring that even amidst the tragedy of these horrors and all the lives lost in the ongoing war, we glean some light through the passion young adult community builders are showcasing through their gatherings, Jewish rituals and traditions, acts of service, and commitment to finding sources of joy and unity. Now, more than ever, we feel grateful to be in this work.

Dear Moishe House Family,

We remain devastated by the ongoing and vicious terrorist attacks first unleashed in Israel yesterday, on Simchat Torah, Shabbat and the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. We continue to monitor the situation closely, with concern for the whole country and the safety of the sizeable Moishe House community in Israel.

We are in close touch with our Moishe House team members and community builders – six different Moishe House locations and dozens of Moishe House Without Walls leaders throughout Israel. So far, we understand that they are all physically safe, though understandably shaken. Many have already been called up for Army Reserve Duty and some have direct family members who have fallen victim to these attacks.

We stand ready to offer all appropriate means of support and will share updates, and whenever possible, ways that we as a Moishe House family can be supportive.

עוֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשְׂרָאל וְאִמְרוּ: אָמֵן
May he who makes peace in high places,
make peace for us and for all Israel, and let us say amen


-Your Moishe House Mishpacha (family)