181 days. As of this writing, that is how long 130 hostages have been held hostage by Hamas. Our hearts ache for the hostages and everyone impacted by the ongoing war.
During this difficult time, it can often feel that we are powerless in efforts to free the hostages and bring peace to Israel and the Middle East. It is in these moments that we urge our Moishe House community , to turn to Jewish wisdom and sacred texts for answers, guidance, and inspiration.

We have partnered with Everyone Counts, an initiative of M2: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education, to help #Bringthemhomenow. Everyone Counts is a value-based educational tool that can be used in settings ranging from Moishe House and MHWOW programs to peer led retreats. Everyone Counts answers a simple question – “What can one individual do to make a difference?” – and provides avenues for taking action around the Jewish mitzvah (imperative) of Pidyon Shvuyim, hostage liberation.

Everyone Counts has resources in five topic areas (Freedom and Justice, Dignity and Compassion, Responsibility and Leadership, Peoplehood and Community, and Jewish Moments) designed to spark action and learning.

We know that discussions around Israel can often be messy, emotional, and intense. But they are important. Especially around the issue of freeing the hostages.

Engagement and interaction with the land and people of Israel is a vital component of the Moishe House experience. We aim to cultivate environments and relationships that allow young adults to engage in respectful discussion and dialogue around Israel, honoring a diversity of viewpoints and life experiences, all the while supporting Israel’s right to exist and thrive as a secure democratic Jewish state. We are glad that we can offer Everyone Counts as a resource to help our community navigate this difficult and emotional conversation.

Moishe House is proud to partner with M2 and the many other project partners including Hillel International, BBYO, The Jewish Education Project, and The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies on this important initiative. Bring them home. Now.