Moishe House works to support community builders to create intentional spaces for Jewish young adults, and we have seen the power of our global community in response to the devastating attacks in Israel. Our young adult leaders have come together to support their community members, our global Moishe House community and the community of the Jewish people. We are in touch with our staff members, our six different Moishe Houses and dozens of Moishe House Without Walls leaders throughout Israel and continue to support them however we can. There is no immediate plan to launch our own emergency fund at this time. We encourage you to support the efforts of the organizations providing direct aid to crisis responders, and those most directly affected by the attacks.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) has activated its emergency team and protocols, to support those now in the line of fire — including the elderly, people with disabilities, children and families at risk. JDC is working closely with its partners in the Israeli government, local municipalities, and fellow NGOs to address increased need among those hardest hit by this crisis: 

Hadassah is collecting funds to purchase medical supplies, essential equipment, and other indispensable devices for healing and saving the lives of some of Israel’s most severely injured victims, many of whom are currently being treated at Hadassah Medical Organization:

Israel Trauma Coalition (ITC) has activated emergency protocol, mobilizing all its resources and providing remote trauma services, such as hotlines and therapists on call: 

Jewish Federations of North America are responding, working with their core partners to support victims of terror, help rebuild damaged infrastructure, and address the unprecedent levels of trauma caused by this horrific attack. Donate here: or donate to your local Federation’s Israel Crisis Campaign, which many Federations across North America have launched. 

Magen David Adom, Israel’s national rescue organization with 33,000 paramedics, EMTS, first responders, and first-aid providers — volunteers and staff – is responsible for treating injured and ill people in Israel. MADA needs donations for ambulances and medical equipment, for protective equipment and bandaging equipment:  

NATAL, the Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center provides multidisciplinary treatment and support to victims of trauma due to terror and war in Israel.  

The Jewish Agency for Israel is providing immediate assistance to those whose homes were directly hit by missiles and supporting those injured and evacuated to hospitals as well as families of the deceased. 

United Hatzalah is mobilizing all 7,000 of its volunteers. In close coordination with IDF medical teams, it has already treated 1,000 civilians and soldiers and dispatched approximately 100 of its rescue vehicles, ambulances, medivac helicopters, and mobile intensive care units, as well as armored vests, helmets, and a significant amount of medical equipment and personnel, to southern Israel.