Dear Moishe House Family,

This Shabbat, we want to express our heartfelt support and appreciation for our entire Moishe House community during the terrible crisis that continues in Israel.

We are in close touch with our Moishe House team members and community builders throughout Israel. As of today, 11 of our community builders (2 of our MHWOW hosts, 5 residents in Israel and 4 of our residents in the US) have been called up for active duty. We thank everyone across the Moishe House globe who sent notes and videos to show their support to them and their peers. We are doing all that we can to support the Moishe House residents and MHWOW hosts throughout Israel. With 5 Houses, 1 Pod and 28 MHWOW hosts, we are working hard to provide as much support and comfort as possible during these challenging war times.

We’re feeling lucky to be able to lean on our incredible network of educators, Jewish Life Specialists, Base rabbis, and our entire Moishe House global community during this difficult time. We have organized a variety of virtual spaces for our staff and Community Builders that would like to connect and process within the Moishe House community.

For our staff: 

  • Base will host a reflective and learning space twice a week led by our Base and Based-In rabbis and partners focused on spiritual reflection, and accessible teachings of Jewish texts on Israel, peoplehood, and Zionism
  • We are also providing opportunities for one-on-one pastoral care with our rabbinical staff

For our Community Builders:

  • Next week, our Jewish educators are hosting a series of gatherings in Russian, Spanish, and English to provide support during this time
  • More information to come via email or you can reach out to your Community Manager or Program Specialist for more details and login information

With Shabbat, comes light. And the light reminds us that even in the darkest hours, there is hope. It is a time for reflection and connection, and we’re proud of how our Moishe House communities around the world are embodying this more than ever. Our community builders all across the globe worked quickly this past week to create space to support each other in processing the terror that is happening in Israel and the fears that we’re all experiencing.

In the midst of all the destruction and loss, we invite you to join Rabbi Dave Yedid of Base Denver in a brief meditation. During this guided meditation, we hope that you can find a tranquil space within yourself, where you can reflect on your own feelings, hold space for those affected by the crisis, and tap into the collective strength of our global community.

If you are looking for additional ways to support, we invite you to contribute to these organizations who are providing direct aid to crisis responders, and those most directly affected by the attacks.

Thank you for being a part of our Moishe House family. Am Yisrael Chai.

– Your Moishe House Mischpacha (family