Moishe House Paris - Republique

About Us

Welcome to the Moishe House Paris - Republique! The house opened in September 2014 and became the 70th Moishe House in the world. To receive our monthly program, feel free to register to our newsletter: Moishe House Paris is above all its 3 residents: Sandra, Irene and Sarah. We are 3 flatmates wishing to create a community reflecting a pluralist and inclusive Judaism gathering young adults from 22 to 32 years old. Moishe House brings together this community through innovative events related to the culture, the Jewish celebrations, study of Jewish texts, or solidarity actions. And all of that happens at our place in our lovely flat. Our philosophy is that every member of the community can suggest and lead an event, or simply participate and help us prepare the events #KibboutzSpirit. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have some ideas or a talent to share! If you want to know more about our values, have a look at them right here : -Inclusion : We want everyone to feel welcome in our home. For instance, we are a vegetarian home and we always make sure that everyone can participate by respecting their regulations. Feel free to contact us to make sure it fits your needs. -Open-mindedness: We have a community spirit but not a communitarianism spirit. We are open to others and we all gather to celebrate and share the Jewish culture. -Pluralism: As many Judaisms as Jews in France! Here, there is no master and no dogma but people converging around common values wishing to share and express their vision of Judaism. -Participation: We cultivate a #KibboutzSpirit where everyone can do their part to co-create with us enlightening experiences. Sandra, Sarah et Irene Get in touch with us at the email below. And like our group to discover our events! Bienvenue chez Moishe House Paris! Venez prendre un café ou partager un dîner de Shabbat entre amis. Notre maison est ouverte à tout ceux qui ressente un lien avec le judaïsme, peu importe la forme que prend ce lien ! Nos événements sont très variés, nous proposons des conférences, des débats, des  sessions cuisine, des réflexions sur notre Torah et bien d'autre choses encore! Contactez-nous a l'adresse mail communiquée ci-dessous et allez liker notre page pour découvrir tous nos événements!


Our Residents

Lea Cardoso

Favorite Holiday
Rosh Hashanah
Paris, France
Creative Strategist

Gali Shalev

Favorite Holiday
Tu BiShvat
San Diego, CA
Clinical Health Psychology Master's student

Arielle Wilhelm

Favorite Holiday
Paris, France
Journalism student


Get In Touch


Generously Supported By: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Lanoar Foundation, Fonds Social Juif Unifie, Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah, Fondation Rothschild, UJA - Federation of New York and Moishe House International Fund Also Supported By: Young adult community builders giving back through our alumni Ambassador Circle and annual resident-driven WE ARE Campaign This project has been funded by the Kantor Foundation and delivered with the support of the European Jewish Fund

House Contact
Please include the name of the house or pod you are inquiring about