Peer-Led Retreat Jewish Educators Database

A list of excellent Jewish educators worldwide who are pre-approved to teach at Peer-Led Retreats.


Educator Location Categories Retreat
Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum + - Bio
Location: Brookline, MA Categories: Health and Wellness, Holidays, Jewish Values, Jews of Color, Kabbalah/Mysticism, Prayer, Rabbinic Literature, Ritual, Shabbat, Social Justice/Tikkun Olam, Tanakh/Torah Retreats: Hip Hop, Text, and Judaism 2.0

Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum is the Rabbi of Congregational Learning and Programming at Temple Beth Zion in Brookline, MA. She received Rabbinic Ordination and a Master’s in Jewish Education from Hebrew College in 2013. She is originally from Brookline, MA and has served congregations in Milwaukee, WI and Mt. Holly, NJ before returning home to TBZ. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in Educational Leadership at Lesley University in Cambridge, MA.

In her multifaceted career, she has had a front seat at the intersection of race, racism and religion, giving her valuable insights into how different groups of people see the world and refining her powers of empathy. She teaches, “None of us can control what happens in the world, but we each have the power to control how we respond. We need to access our spiritual core and fearlessly acknowledge our dark places, both as individuals and a society, in order to shift what we see going on around us. The shadows serve to remind us that there is also light.”

Dimitry Ekshtut + - Bio
Location: New York, NY Categories: Community Organizing, Ethics, Jewish Law (Halacha), Jewish Values, Masculinity, Music, Prayer, Rabbinic Literature, Ritual, RSJ: Russian Speaking Jews, Shabbat, Talmud, Tanakh/Torah

Dimitry Ekshtut is an educator, musician, and the community leader of Based in Harlem and co-founder of Kehillat Harlem.

Born in Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Russia, Dimitry immigrated with his family at the age of five to Philadelphia, PA. While in middle and high school he fell in love with the guitar and jazz music, motivating him to move to New York and pursue a career as a professional musician. He has performed in many venues throughout the city, from small cafes and restaurants to the famed Blue Note Jazz Club. Dimitry also spent several years as a contributing writer and reviewer for Jazz Improv Magazine. He holds a Bachelor’s of Music in Jazz Guitar Performance and a Master’s of Music Education, both from New York University. From 2012-2020, Dimitry worked as a full-time music educator in public, private, and charter schools throughout New York City.

Parallel to this, Dimitry has worked to build Jewish community in Harlem, where he resides with his wife, Erica, their daughter, Maayan, and their cat, Vaska. Along with his wife, Dimitry has directed Based in Harlem, a project of Base Hillel, since 2017 and has welcomed nearly 2,000 unique individuals to his home for shabbat, holiday celebrations, Jewish learning, and service opportunities. Additionally, Dimitry is a principal co-founder of Kehillat Harlem, a prayer community in Upper Manhattan, and an Adjunct Lecturer at the City College of New York (CCNY) in Jewish Studies.

Dimitry loves learning and teaching mussar, particularly Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzatto’s “Mesillat Yesharim.” With a voice uniquely situated to speak to the Russian-speaking Jewish (RSJ) immigrant community, Dimitry hopes to address its particular spiritual needs from a place of cultural authenticity, embodied Torah, and keen sensitivity. Dimitry is currently studying toward rabbinic ordination at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah while continuing his community leadership in Harlem.

Location: Kittery, ME Categories: Art, Dance, Earth-Based Judaism, Embodiment, Experiential Education, Feminism, Food/Drink, Health and Wellness, Holidays, Jewish Values, Kabbalah/Mysticism, Kohenet, Meditation, Mindfulness, Ritual, Shabbat Retreats: Entering the Temple: A Jewish Women's Retreat; The Art of True Belonging; Vermont Chalet -- Jewish Identity, Assimilation, and Resistance;

Naomi Azriel Izen is an ordained Hebrew Priestess through Kohenet and the Creative Director of her own Jewish lifestyle design business. Naomi’s biggest passion is in creating beautiful sacred space, tangible and intangible, and she teaches on how to use ritual, aesthetics and Jewish frameworks for welcoming and transformation. Naomi infuses all of her teachings with earth-based Jewish practices and Mysticism. Naomi incorporates Jewish arts practices and Jewish herbalism and loves creating spaces for in-depth and hands-on learning that are well-held and aesthetically pleasing. If you are seeking a retreat that holds participants in a gentle container with deep attention for details, thoughtful and modernized ritual that leaves your participants with a changed sense of self and Jewish Identity then feel free to reach out. Naomi has taught on numerous Moishe House retreats (virtual and in-person) as well as Camp Nai Nai Nai. She has been an educator at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center as well as Hillel Conferences, Hebrew Day Schools and her own curated Jewish retreats and workshops.

Yoni Nadiv + - Bio
Location: Columbus, OH Categories: Ethics, Feminism, Hebrew Language, Jewish Law (Halacha), Jewish Values, Midrash, Prayer, Rabbinic Literature, Ritual, Sephardi Culture, Sexuality, Shabbat, Talmud, Tanakh/Torah Retreats: Baraita: Outdoor Learning

Rabbi Yoni Nadiv is a passionate educator who invites discussion focused study around texts, bringing the ancient and modern world into conversation. He has a passion for making material accessible to learners of all skill levels through skills based learning and modern technological approaches.

Sample lessons include:

– Talmud Skills Crash Course
– Forgotten Holidays: What did Shavuot and Shemini Atzeret used to be?
– A Model of Modern Prayer: How Hannah’s Prayer Inspired the Development of Tefillah

– Torah and Talmud 101

– Advanced Critical Methods of Torah and Talmud

Yoshi Silverstein + - Bio
Location: Cleveland, OH Categories: Dance, Environmentalism, Jews of Color, Mindfulness Retreats: Moishe gets Muddy; Maine Roots 2020; In Living Color: Celebrating our full selves as Jews of Color

Yoshi Silverstein facilitates connection to body, nature, and spirit through movement, design, play, exploration, & Jewish tradition. Also a 2nd degree blackbelt, CrossFit coach, and movement teacher, he holds over sixteen years of experience in both Jewish and secular outdoor, food, farming, and environmental education. Yoshi is an alumnus of the Selah Leadership Program, the Dorot Fellowship, and the PresenTense NYC Accelerator for Social Entrepreneurship. He is a member of the UpStart Alumni Advisory Council and a founding member of the Repair the World NYC Advisory Board.

A Pacific Northwest native, Yoshi has resided in roughly thirteen different places since his eighteenth birthday – including the Olympic Mountains, central and northern Idaho Rockies, Berkshire Mountains, and the Arava Valley – and now lives in the Bushwick Plains of Northern Brooklyn with his wife, daughter, and pup. He makes a mean Chinese Roast Duck.

Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz + - Bio
Location: Phoenix, AZ Categories: Community Organizing, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Holidays, Jewish Law (Halacha), Jewish Values, Kabbalah/Mysticism, Midrash, Prayer, Rabbinic Literature, Ritual, Shabbat, Social Justice/Tikkun Olam, Talmud, Tanakh/Torah Retreats: SLR: Social Justice Retreat

Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz is the President& Dean of the Valley Beit Midrash (a national Jewish pluralistic adult learning & leadership center), the Founder& President of Uri L’Tzedek (a Jewish Social Justice organization), the Founder and CEO of Shamayim (a Jewish animal advocacy movement), the Founder and President of YATOM, (the Jewish foster and adoption network), and the author of 21 books on Jewish ethics. Newsweek named Rav Shmuly one of the top 50 rabbis in America and the Forward named him one of the 50 most influential Jews.